Monday, June 1, 2015

Passion (You Will Never Own Me)

Ms.Hegeman how many passions do you think we have? Not that many, I can tell you that much. I was having the hardest time picking out what to write for this passion blog but recently I stumbled over a picture that gave me inspiration.

My passion is fashion. Fashion is one of the best ways to express yourself. I don't know how many times I tried and mixed and matched outfits. I get all dressed up, do my hair and makeup, just to stay home and take pictures. I love dressing and designing for people. I don't really fit the "ideal" image of the fashion that I like but I make it work. I could wear boyfriend jeans without looking fat or Platform wedged sneakers without looking like Frankenstein. There are soooo many things to fashion, even "played out" fashion. I bet if I wore a "Fubu" jersey with a white bandu under it and all white skinny jeans and Doctor Martins, No one would like it or make fun of me. If there a celebrity wore it, it's "back" in style. Fashion comes with seasons but people can always make there own. Fashion can also be cheap and chic. Everyone in this generation is concerned about spending the most for something that doesn't looks its best. Affordable but chic.

"You Will Never Own Me, I Will Never Fear You"

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Beez Yourself (FC)

Being yourself, to me, is taking a risk. Daring to be different and owning it. I decided to write this because, I've been getting VERY negative comments about thyne hair. First of, I LOVE my new hairstyle. I think that box-braids actually fit my face structure and my personality. I like the fact that even though I had box-braids like every other "chicken-head/bird", that I got mine differently. My box-braids reach my mid thigh, and so what? You don't like my hair? Why do you care? who are you? who sent you? (In my mother's voice). I don't think anyone is in any place to speak about my hair, with the exception of a few people. I took a risk, not everyone looks good in box-braids and mine are lonnnnnnng!! My braids are giving me life, I hate structure and trying to fit in. Nor will I fit in, those who don't like it, get over it and continue to be mad.


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Another CRR

FINALLY! The BAM response. To be COMPLETELY honest, we as one were very rude, childish and disrespectful towards the other schools and vice versa. I feel as though since there are a group of us, we tend to intimidate and belittle other groups of people. I felt embarrassed when a boy from one of the other schools said,"Deez Nuts". I felt they (actors, teachers and/or production) judge us as one.  Everything about the BAM trip was ignorant. I felt our school done the best, we re-written Shakespeare's play into a modern play. I liked the other schools Foreign children, their accents were adorable and cute. All in all, I'd love to experience that again. I laughed at everything and enjoyed watching children enjoy something different and new. For once.


So, this is meant for two weeks ago because this is late. When Ms.Hegeman and Ms.Gilpin first pitched the idea to us about an actor coming in to help us perform Midsummer Night's Dream, I was a bit apprehensive. I enjoy participating in activities like that growing up but find it HIGHLY annoying when certain classmates are being rude.  When I first met W.T, I looked at him strange and compared to someone terrible and racist (Not saying), his hair cut and mustache was intimidating. W.T personality however, was quit refreshing. I was accustomed to only reading and writing in Ms.Hegeman's class, very boring. W.T made things fun and lively. I resisted at first but over time his presence grew on me.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Economics!  Is such a DREADFUL class, I hate economics. It is easy to understand but very boring. Also, Ms.Tomlin project are given in short notice, I really dislike that. Most of  the time our projects are very extensive and is just TOO much. I however have to get over it, I want to major in Business and Administration, I'd have to pay attention and excel.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Life (FC)

Blogging is the only thing I sincerely take seriously in your class, Ms.Hegeman. No offence. So without further ado (that's how you spell it?) I'll explain my title.

Life! Life is something everyone experiences, life is a contradicting, old , fat lady who is scorned. That is where the term, "That's life", come from. Life has no explanation besides, the fact that is it inevitable. "Sh*t happens". Life is beyond your control. Everyone has a choice in life to be who or what ever YOU want to be with no boundaries or to be what everyone wants them to be. Now, being who ever you want to be can be very dangerous, there's all types of people in this World. However, you can do what makes you, you. Why die knowing your life has not been for-filled ? Die knowing you've done everything for someone else's approval? Why live life being constricted when at the end of that long or short dark tunnel will be a light, guiding you to the next journey?  Life is what you make it, but you only get it once. Unless you believe in reincarnation, then hey, you lived twice. Appreciate Life for what she is, a very unappealing but wise person,she is.

I bid you, Good Day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mr.Wash Class

I enjoy being in Mr.Washington class, it's a break from all the stressful classes. Although, Wash makes sure we're all on our task with finishing work for other classes. Wash also, makes it his business to be in our business. Wash talk too much too, like he go from topic to topic, story to story, example to example and etc. I'll miss Wash the most, actually a funny ( corny) and cool man.  I look forward to having Wash right after this Ms. Hegeman's class, I be needing to detox.