Thursday, April 30, 2015

Another CRR

FINALLY! The BAM response. To be COMPLETELY honest, we as one were very rude, childish and disrespectful towards the other schools and vice versa. I feel as though since there are a group of us, we tend to intimidate and belittle other groups of people. I felt embarrassed when a boy from one of the other schools said,"Deez Nuts". I felt they (actors, teachers and/or production) judge us as one.  Everything about the BAM trip was ignorant. I felt our school done the best, we re-written Shakespeare's play into a modern play. I liked the other schools Foreign children, their accents were adorable and cute. All in all, I'd love to experience that again. I laughed at everything and enjoyed watching children enjoy something different and new. For once.


So, this is meant for two weeks ago because this is late. When Ms.Hegeman and Ms.Gilpin first pitched the idea to us about an actor coming in to help us perform Midsummer Night's Dream, I was a bit apprehensive. I enjoy participating in activities like that growing up but find it HIGHLY annoying when certain classmates are being rude.  When I first met W.T, I looked at him strange and compared to someone terrible and racist (Not saying), his hair cut and mustache was intimidating. W.T personality however, was quit refreshing. I was accustomed to only reading and writing in Ms.Hegeman's class, very boring. W.T made things fun and lively. I resisted at first but over time his presence grew on me.