Friday, January 23, 2015

Passion !!!

As promised, I will be talking about the loves of my life! So, my lovely and beautiful niece is one of my passions in my life. I love my niece with all my heart, she means the world to me. I've changed drastically from the person I used to be when I found out that my sister was pregnant with her. My niece is named after me, well she has my middle name. Brianna!! Brianna may not look anything like me , However she acts just like me. Brianna is my little buddy, she absolutely the reason why I try to be better. I don't see Brianna as a niece, I see her as my child.. strangely.. but I love her to pieces and will always be her #1 fan and friend.

My other passion in my life is my boyfriend. I love my boyfriend very much, we've been together for 4 years, 5 in June; on and off. Despite the rumors and accusations people may have about us, that never stopped us. Older people have told me , I'm too young to be in a serious relationship and that'll change when I get to college. However, I knew nothing would stop us. We've been through a lot and passed every obstacle, the love that we have for each other is unconditional. So may think that because of my appearance that I'll never have anyone. There was a time when I never wore my hair out, I wasn't fully developed and was still wearing beads (In the 7th and 8th grade), and he still choose me to be with me. I knew my boyfriend since I was in the 4th grade. My boyfriend; Liyl has seen me at my worst, and looked passed what others said and felt about me. I've never been neglected, cheated on, abused or mistreated by him. For that I appreciate him dearly, and I do attend to marry and start a family with him... Yes, I plan my future ahead , however I'm sure we got this.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

I hope this is EXTRA credit! but Welcome 2015

I'm just writing this but Welcome 2O15! I'm more than excited to see how this year will come out. I know there's memes that keep suggesting that this is everyone's year. I think that's motivation to do better and be better. I'm sad but re-leaved that I lost people in 2O14. Some close people passed away in my family but, I'm glad they're not suffering anymore and get to rest peacefully. I've also lost friends, and that is ok. I've learned life moves on with or without people, I hope 2O15 changes life for the better. In 2O15 I'll be 18 and hopefully graduating "Nogood Thurgood" and attending college. I plan on working on myself internally and externally for better. This year, I'll probably handle things alot differently .. More or less, I'll be myself but with a different look on things.

#Maturity (I'm also hash-tagging) !